Static electricity and how to avoid it

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Have you ever felt almost afraid to touch a handful of metal door, counter or a similar surface for fear that little annoying zap, you will get to contact? Well, it's static electricity for you my friend, and you're not only to do not forward his machinations. Before you can actually take steps to reduce its impact in your life, you must first learn what static electricity is and how it is created.

Everyone is composed of atoms, and each of these atoms consist of a combination of subatomic particles - protons, neutrons and electrons. The protons and neutrons form what is called the nucleus or the nucleus of the atom and electrons can be considered in orbit around the nucleus. Protons have a positive electrical charge and electrons have a negative one.

Our purpose, you can consider the nucleus - protons and neutrons - of being stable, while electrons are often less so and tend to be easily "out knocked" orbit and transferred to other atoms. This process is called ionization, where ratio of proton-electron atom is altered through the removal or addition of electrons.

Most of the atoms in their natural state are neutral, having no net electrical charge. But when they become ionized, depending on whether they lose or received from the electrons, they will have a net positive or negative charge respectively. It is a true case of "opposites attract", where the atoms are attract the opposite sign - positive, negative and negative positive.

The opposite is true as well - as the charges will be repel one another. This is what explains why a balloon momentarily paste to a wall after that rub you against your clothes - because you just added extra electrons the ball and he gave a net negative charge requiring to be attracted to the wall (relatively) positively charged.

Only atoms have to do with static electricity and people?

Well, our bodies are made up of atoms is so huge, it is generally written using scientific notation: 7 × 10 ^ 27 atoms. This is followed by 27 zeroes 7 - 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000! A foolish enough number. And as I mentioned above, most of the atoms have a neutral charge, including the aaaall charming atoms that make up our body.

Thus when we walk through a mat or our clothes rub on our skin, our bodies accumulate an electric charge via electron transfer of these materials. This net electric charge will then look for a way to fulfil himself the next chance he gets. It is just the time reach you for the door stainless steel handle and feel that less wonderful sensation.

In terms of electricity, there are two general types of insulating and conductive materials. Insulation materials are those which, as rubber and wood that inhibit the flow of electrons, while the conductive materials is those who, like most metals, water and highly saturated media - even moist air. That is why static electricity is most common in the drier winter months.

To understand this we need to better see why this is not usually arrive in the summer or more humid months and climates. Moist air surrounding our body is conductive to some extent, to carry out any accumulation of electrical charge before accumulate too much. Conversely, dry air acts as an insulator which does not allow this discharge. This explains why this can happen in air-conditioned spaces even when it is wet outside.

Tips to avoid static electrical shock

Now that understand us static electricity, it will be easier to understand how to avoid it. The main reason for the accumulation is in first place because you were unfounded and thus the electrical load the lack of an output path. There are several ways you can minimize these shocks significantly, or at least, make it so that they are not as painful.

Open a window or two. Don't forget that the moisture in the air causes a higher electrical conductivity, so introduce moisture with a dry atmosphere can help.Use moisturizing hand regularly. In keeping with the parts of your body more susceptible to shocks hydrated, you can prevent the excessive accumulation.Wear leather shoes. While leather is not in itself a conductor, he is not nearly as good insulation rubber and is thus better equipped to perform accumulation.Use an antistatic wrist band. They are often used by those handling sensitive computer chips and similar parts can be severely damaged by the same small amounts of static electricity.When all the other fails, try rap your insensitive - or at least, more severe - knuckles against the surface in question to carry out any accumulation before you touch with your most sensitive fingers.