Mass spectrometer: know his work and uses

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Mass spectrometry involves the identification of the chemical composition of a sample or a compound on the basis of a ratio of the load of the charged particle mass. The instrument used to perform mass spectrometry is known as a mass spectrometer. This instrument measures the relative concentrations and the masses of atoms and molecules. This analytical tool uses the force magnetic base on the movement of charged particles. Today, it is almost impossible to produce an error free and good quality results without the help of this analytical tool. This devices offer advanced analysis process in real-time and control reduces the risk of human error while getting the final results.

The design of a mass spectrometer consists of three basic modules, including:

Mass Analyzer: it applies to electric and magnetic fields to sort the charged particles or ions by their masses.

Ion Source: It converts these molecules in a sample into ionized fragments.

Detector: It finds the value of the quantity of the indicator.

This instrument also includes a sample entry, an ion Accelerator and a massive door. Versions more sophisticated features form any filter of energy to achieve more accurate mass assignments.

Sample brought to this device must be in a form of steam. The sample to be analysed should remain as a gas. The entry of the sample is maintained above ambient temperature. Sometimes the temperature reach 400 degrees Celsius.

Here are some steps that illustrates the work of a mass spectrometer.

Sample presented to the ionization chamber is heated and transformed into gas.

An electron beam is accelerated with a high voltage.

The molecules of the sample are broken and ionized electrons through high voltage.

Each fragment moves as a single particle to the accelerator.

The acceleration voltage causes the speed of charged particles in the House of the acceleration.

Ions then enter the magnetic base only to these ions with particularly exposed to the ratio of mass to pass through.

Ion then collided with the detector. The original signal is amplified and transmitted to a computer system for processing and analysis.

Mass spectrometry output is produced in the form of peaks on a graph, which is known as the mass spectrum. The classification of output of mass spectrometry is simplified, in the form of a stick diagram. This represents the relative current produced by charged particles of mass to charge ratio variable.

Some of the uses of a mass spectrometer are:

Detection of unknown compounds.

Determination of the isotopic composition of elements in a compound.

Determination of the structure of a compound by studying its fragmentation.

Assess the amount of this compound in a sample.

Determination of other chemical, biological and physical of a compound properties.

Mass spectrometer are mainly used in the process of carbon dating. They are also used to measure the composition of plasmas in space missions. In addition, they are used for the detection of traces of toxins or contaminants.