Nanotechnology is an evolutionary technology. The applications of this field is beyond our imagination. Molecular Nanotechnology refers to the molecular nanosystems designed to operate at the nanoscale in order to build complex structures. Principles of molecular assembly and quantum physics are mainly used in this branch of nanotechnology.
Before proceeding on molecular nanotechnology, we must understand clearly that "molecular assembly", which specifically refers to molecular nanotechnology and "self-assembly," as mentioned in basic research in nanotechnology have their own characteristics, even if they work hand in hand.
Self-assembly means that the molecules are organized in an organized manner, to give birth to a specific major structural material. In such proceedings or electromagnetic wave voltage can be used to indicate a starting point, end point, the rate of assembly and mounting configuration of the self-assembly.
In molecular molecules together in a particular configuration of a machine that has a biological or chemical unit complex. This machine is called, known as molecular assembler control the assembly process. signaling techniques, involving the mechanism of self-assembly: the electromagnetic waves of tension and can be used to control the activity of the molecular assembler. As a molecular assembler is under control, the molecular assembly can be manipulated by humans.
molecular assembler is a machine at the nanoscale that has the ability to produce a desired structure on the atomic scale using mechanical alloying principles. This machine must be able to position atoms to other atoms in a desired angle and distance required to produce a desired link with the desired strength. It is an advanced nanotechnology, which is very sophisticated. The construction of such molecular assembly unit will require chemical and biological principles rather than traditional approaches to mechanical engineering. However, sophisticated mechanical functions in different parts of the molecular assembler enable programmable, positional assembly to atomic specification.
Virtually assembling a nanoscale device to perform the mechanical function is a very difficult operation. Modern science is able to manipulate molecules based on their chemical nature. Scientists have some methods to deal with atomic nuclei in a suitable manner. But the manipulation of individual molecules is difficult. This remains an obstacle in the way of mechanical alloying of nanoscale devices.
Biology has shown that the molecular machines that act as biological and chemical principles are possible. molecular levels of biological systems are controlled by these systems, molecular devices. But you do not agree with some of the principles of mechanical engineering. A good example of molecular machines is the activity of the enzyme.
Enzymes are biological catalysts are globular proteins with the possibility of increasing the speed of biological reactions. They exert their function in association with the substrate molecules and change their molecular configuration. Sometimes they develop links between molecules and sometimes they are separate molecules. The enzymes act only on specific molecules. substrate specificity of enzymes is performed by the shape and bond markets of energy substrate binding site of the enzyme, known as the active site. While some molecules of the same shape and potential energy bind to the enzyme and further reaction. The chemical and physical characteristics of the enzyme is not changed during the reaction. Therefore, it is still in its original condition by the end of the reaction with the opportunity to catalyze a different reaction.
Through this mechanism, a single enzyme molecule can participate in various molecular assemblies of polypeptide chains begin to change their normal patterns of enzymes and normal function. Enzymes demonstrate many basic properties of molecular assemblers.Enzymes can act on molecular level and perform desired positional assembly of atoms.
It can form desired angles and desired distance between atoms in order to produce desired bonds.
Chemical and physical properties of enzyme are not getting altered during the molecular assembly.
Single enzyme molecule can perform several molecular formations.
Activity of enzymes can be controlled by chemical and electrical signals.
Although biological systems have evolved molecular machinery is working properly, the non-biological systems of molecular machines is still at an early stage.
Several researchers researcher on the development of non-biological molecular machines, which will lead to the production of molecular assemblers, which is the key to molecular nanotechnology. Dr. Alex Zettler and colleagues at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories and UC Berkeley have developed molecular units whose movement is controlled by changing the voltage, a nanotube nano-motor, a molecular actuator, and a nanoelectromechanical relaxation oscillator.
Some researchers have already carried out the molecular composition of positional vertigo without molecular assemblers. They have been used for larger units, which are located outside the molecular environment of molecules. Signals such as electromagnetic waves or voltage, which are mediated by molecules of external agencies to check the configuration of their placement.
The problems arise when trying to assemble nanoscale molecules without molecular assembly. For example, without a molecular assembler to manipulate the molecules, an external control unit is necessary. This external source, take the space and the specific conditions of the function. But once they are produced molecular assemblers can perform many molecular assemblies based on their program unless you are disabled. The level of molecular complexity that the outdoor unit can process the molecular positioning is limited. It would not be able to handle highly complex molecules, simply because their signals interfere with the atoms in molecules before the desired molecular assembly.
There are many applications of molecular nanotechnology. An important application of nano-medicine. molecular assemblers can be improved in an action for damages without the time, risk-taking cuts. Planted in the synthesis of molecular assemblers to a variety of essential materials required for the normal functioning of living beings, but absent from the body due to various diseases of the respiratory synthesis. systems of molecular machines can act as pollutants in the body and destroy, if necessary. They can also destroy overgrowths such as cancer. Some patients may need to take medicine all the time. molecular assemblers can synthesis of chemical compounds in vivo, using atoms exist within living creatures. Another application of molecular mechanisms of oxygen and nanotechnology. Damage to different macroscopic structures can be corrected by operation of molecular assemblers.
Most things related to molecular nanotechnology is still hypothetical. But with the development of nanotechnology, the field also mature and people will be able to do many things at the molecular level, which are beyond the modern scientific principles.
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Molecular Nanotechnology