The results of the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress, or the Bulletin of the nation, showed that only 21 percent of high school graduates are performing at or above proficiency in science.
About a third of pupils in fourth and eighth were found to carry the same level.
"The results published today show that students in our country are not learning at a pace that keeps the U.S. role as an international leader in science," Education Secretary Arne Duncan said in a statement.
The federal government's assessment shows 156,500 fourth graders, 151,100 eighth graders and 11 100 twelfth graders.
The data are not easily comparable to the past, because students were assessed in a new way, which includes science and pedagogy, and bring it in line with international standards.
Programme for International Student Assessment, which evaluates the different types of literacy found that the United States ranked 13th of 34 developed countries.
China, Korea, Finland, Singapore and Canada through international comparisons.
The results of scientific tests came the same day that President Barack Obama should emphasize in his State of the Union address the importance of education and innovation for the benefit of the ability of America to global competition.